Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Symbiotic Diet- Secret Customer Tip

This tip that I am about to share with you is one of the best tips that you will ever get and it can be used with The Symbiotic Diet and Livethesource business.

When this marketing tip was told to me I sort of blew it off and said that makes sense and sounds good but I never actually did it and I would be willing to bet that there are a lot of you reading this who have heard of this before but have never actually put it to use yet either. Si it is like a secret marketing tip because most distributors just ignore it.

Marketing The Symbiotic Diet and Livethesource Effectively

It doesn't matter if you market the entire livethesource line or just The Symbiotic Diet it will take you five times the effort and money to create a new customer than it will  to keep an existing customer. These are national statistics from the DMA not something that I just pulled out of my hat.

So is keeping a customer is five times less effort and money on my part, I want to keep all the customers that I can.

People do business with people they know, like and trust.  You as a business builder have to develop relationships with your customers. Show them that they are more than a credit card number to you.  You need to learn a little bit about their family and likes or dislikes, their job and what the love about it and what they hate about it also don’t forget to ask about children and pets.  When you have some of this information written down and on file you can develop that relationship very easily and with very little time.

With in 24 hours after you sign someone up on Livethesource or The Symbiotic Diet You need to send them a thank you card, thanking them for their business and telling them that you enjoyed the chat that you had the other day, and you hope that their dog gets better soon.  Or whatever personal little tidbit, you can put in there.

This little thank you note technique will shoot your Livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet business to new levels.

Think about it.  How many times have you gotten.  A thank you note from someone that you do business with, how would you feel if you did get a hand written note.  You and your Symbiotic Diet business will really stand out in people's eyes.

I'm talking about snail mail thank you notes, not e-mail or e-mail cards. I’m saying the regular old-fashioned thank you cards you send in the mail, and these are personally written by hand... even if you have horrible handwriting have somebody else write what you're going to say.

This might seem like a little work, but it pays off big time in your livethesource business, especially when your loyal customers start talking about you and your product to their friends and start giving you referrals.

I'll say it one more time.  This tip that I just gave you will be one of the most profitable things you can do in the symbiotic diet and Livethesource business and you will truly love those relationships that you build.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Symbiotic Diet - Residual Income Stream

Are you curious about building The Symbiotic Diet residual income stream or other income streams but didn’t know where to start? Perhaps you’ve heard the buzz about creating passive income with The Symbiotic Diet by livethesource but didn’t know what it was?

Building residual income is simply the knack of finding business opportunities like The Symbiotic Diet or Livethesource that continue to generate income each month almost automatically. Unfortunately finding genuine ways to generate this extra income isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

The point of building residual income is to find ways to keep money rolling into your account every month on autopilot.With a little bit of work you can accomplish this with The Symbiotic Diet and at the same time be helping people overcome their addiction to food.

There are plenty of ways to build residual income yourself if you have a little time and some patience. You can either focus on creating one type of passive income or you have the option of mixing and matching several types that suit you.Just stay away from those companies that compete with each other. For example livethesource and another vitamin company.

Insurance agents receive passive income in the form of trailing commissions. They are paid a small amount of commission every year once a client renews an insurance policy. This can add up to a substantial income over time.The insurance business can be tough though.

Many network marketing companies Like livethesource pay their sales consultants recurring commissions from customers when they reorder products like The Symbiotic Diet or Vitamin D3 booster every month. Musicians also receive residual income called royalties that are earned each time someone buys a CD. The same royalty payments are also earned by artists and writers selling their art-work or novels.

A great example of creating your own passive income is royalties from ebook sales. You write the book just once and then you can potentially keep receiving income month after month as sales continue to rise. This kind of passive income can continue bringing in money for years after you’ve completed the initial work.

If you don’t feel that you’re able to write an ebook yourself, you could pay a ghost-writer to create your ebook for you and then you can continue to profit from the residual income it generates year after year.

Another way to create residual income is through paid advertising options, such as the advertising units offered by Google Adsense or Adbrite or Bidvertiser. You simply place the ad coding on your website or blog and the ads are automatically configured to match the keywords you have on your site. Each time a visitor clicks on one of your ads your account is credited with cash.

Each of the examples to build residual income streams above have dealt with very creative endeavors so far – but did you know it’s also possible to generate your own income stream using wise investments?

A great example of this is a wise investor who buys a rental property. It’s important to figure out how much the repayments and associated management costs will be and then find out if the rental income you charge will be higher than this amount. If your rental income is higher than the costs of owning the property, then the profit is a true residual income each month.

Other investors have also learned that buying well-priced stocks for the dividend yield can also create residual income year after year. The object here is not to focus on the share price, but instead to focus on the dividend income you can earn on your investment.

There are many ways to build a residual income stream that could potentially replace your income from your day job. The choice you need to make is to decide which option suits you!

Some of the different options above are very risky, especially in this economy. That is why Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosacki minimize their risk these days with network marketing.

Do what ever you want but I have chosen a company with world class products like The Symbiotic Diet and cutting edge technology. That company is Livethesource.

Click this link if you would like to see a good article on what it takes to create that residual income with The Symbiotic Diet

The Symbiotic Diet - Residual Income Stream

Are you curious about building The Symbiotic Diet residual income stream or other income streams but didn’t know where to start? Perhaps you’ve heard the buzz about creating passive income with The Symbiotic Diet by livethesource but didn’t know what it was?

Building residual income is simply the knack of finding business opportunities like The Symbiotic Diet or Livethesource that continue to generate income each month almost automatically. Unfortunately finding genuine ways to generate this extra income isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

The point of building residual income is to find ways to keep money rolling into your account every month on autopilot.With a little bit of work you can accomplish this with The Symbiotic Diet and at the same time be helping people overcome their addiction to food.

There are plenty of ways to build residual income yourself if you have a little time and some patience. You can either focus on creating one type of passive income or you have the option of mixing and matching several types that suit you.Just stay away from those companies that compete with each other. For example livethesource and another vitamin company.

Insurance agents receive passive income in the form of trailing commissions. They are paid a small amount of commission every year once a client renews an insurance policy. This can add up to a substantial income over time.The insurance business can be tough though.

Many network marketing companies Like livethesource pay their sales consultants recurring commissions from customers when they reorder products like The Symbiotic Diet or Vitamin D3 booster every month. Musicians also receive residual income called royalties that are earned each time someone buys a CD. The same royalty payments are also earned by artists and writers selling their art-work or novels.

A great example of creating your own passive income is royalties from ebook sales. You write the book just once and then you can potentially keep receiving income month after month as sales continue to rise. This kind of passive income can continue bringing in money for years after you’ve completed the initial work.

If you don’t feel that you’re able to write an ebook yourself, you could pay a ghost-writer to create your ebook for you and then you can continue to profit from the residual income it generates year after year.

Another way to create residual income is through paid advertising options, such as the advertising units offered by Google Adsense or Adbrite or Bidvertiser. You simply place the ad coding on your website or blog and the ads are automatically configured to match the keywords you have on your site. Each time a visitor clicks on one of your ads your account is credited with cash.

Each of the examples to build residual income streams above have dealt with very creative endeavors so far – but did you know it’s also possible to generate your own income stream using wise investments?

A great example of this is a wise investor who buys a rental property. It’s important to figure out how much the repayments and associated management costs will be and then find out if the rental income you charge will be higher than this amount. If your rental income is higher than the costs of owning the property, then the profit is a true residual income each month.

Other investors have also learned that buying well-priced stocks for the dividend yield can also create residual income year after year. The object here is not to focus on the share price, but instead to focus on the dividend income you can earn on your investment.

There are many ways to build a residual income stream that could potentially replace your income from your day job. The choice you need to make is to decide which option suits you!

Some of the different options above are very risky, especially in this economy. That is why Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosacki minimize their risk these days with network marketing.

Do what ever you want but I have chosen a company with world class products like The Symbiotic Diet and cutting edge technology. That company is Livethesource.

Click this link if you would like to see a good article on what it takes to create that residual income with The Symbiotic Diet

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Livethesource, The Symbiotic Diet And The Magic Beans

Everyone that I talked to is always interested in the secrets of success in Livethesource and with The Symbiotic Diet. Well, I will tell you that the secrets to success are disguised as work.

However, there are some little tricks that you learn along the way to help you stay on track and keep focused in your livethesource and Symbiotic Diet business. Focusing is so important!

Have you ever taken a magnifying glass on a sunny day and shined it on a piece of paper?  As long as you keep moving that magnifying glass around and it's not focused, nothing really happens. But as soon as you focus that magnifying glass so the sun's rays are concentrated into one small area, the paper will burst into flames.

The same thing can happen with your livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet business if you stay focused. If you keep running around trying one thing one day and another thing another day.  You're never going to build a good solid business.  But when you pick out one thing that you want to focus on and you really stick to it.  Even when it seems like it isn’t working. Mark my words it will happen, your business will explode!

Magic Beans Will Make Your Livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet Business Grow Like Crazy

So here's a little trick for today to help keep your livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet business on track. Take 10 pennies or 10 dried beans (MAGIC Beans) ;-)   or 10 poker chips and put them in your right pocket. The object is to talk to 10 people that day.  As you talk to one person you would take a penny that is in your right pocket and put it in your left pocket and you do this all day until the 10 pennies are all gone from your right pocket and into your left pocket.

This whole exercise is just to get you to practice starting a conversation and talking to people.  When you first start out you may say, today I am going to make eye contact and smile at 10 people  and that could be your goal. You may want to do that for a week until you feel comfortable making eye contact and smiling.

The next week you may want to start a conversation with 10 people a day.  It doesn't matter if it's about the weather.  Just start a conversation, and you've accomplished your goal for the second week.

Each week after that, you just want to add a little more and a little more to the goal you trying to accomplish.

The 10 dried beans (MAGIC Beans) ;-)   is just an easy way to keep track of how many people you're actually contacting throughout the day.

Once you get actually talking to people about your livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet business. You are now contacting over 300 new prospects a month. That was EASY wasn’t it?

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Symbiotic Diet and Livethesource : Food Matters

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Today’s post isn't so much about the vitamin D3 or livethesource or even The Symbiotic Diet even though I am incredibly excited about the new symbiotic diet and how many people it can help.

Today’s post will be about something very important and I hope that you will pass it on to family and friends because it can literally save their lives.

About a year ago I joined livethesource as a distributor and to be honest, the reason that I joined was because I wanted to make a lot of money. Livethesource has a slogan " give us a year and we will change your life " I figured that was all a crock of bologna, but as I got into the company I did find a group of friends who really did care about each other and each others health. We dug into the areas of health and shared with each other what we had found and what was working and what wasn't working.

Here is what I want to share with you today. Last night my family sat down for an hour and instead of watching some of the junk on TV we watched a video that had a huge impact on all of us. I can't emphasize this enough. Actually last night was the second time we watched this video. This time we had a paper and pens to take lots of notes. You will want to do the same.

I promise that I will get back to writing about livethesource, vitamin D and The Symbiotic Diet within the next few days but for today and maybe the next couple of I will be writing about a video called Food Matters. ITS THAT IMPORTANT!

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OK Now hopefully here are the embedded videos



The Symbiotic Diet and Livethesource : Food Matters

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Today’s post isn't so much about the vitamin D3 or livethesource or even The Symbiotic Diet even though I am incredibly excited about the new symbiotic diet and how many people it can help.

Today’s post will be about something very important and I hope that you will pass it on to family and friends because it can literally save their lives.

About a year ago I joined livethesource as a distributor and to be honest, the reason that I joined was because I wanted to make a lot of money. Livethesource has a slogan " give us a year and we will change your life " I figured that was all a crock of bologna, but as I got into the company I did find a group of friends who really did care about each other and each others health. We dug into the areas of health and shared with each other what we had found and what was working and what wasn't working.

Here is what I want to share with you today. Last night my family sat down for an hour and instead of watching some of the junk on TV we watched a video that had a huge impact on all of us. I can't emphasize this enough. Actually last night was the second time we watched this video. This time we had a paper and pens to take lots of notes. You will want to do the same.

I promise that I will get back to writing about livethesource, vitamin D and The Symbiotic Diet within the next few days but for today and maybe the next couple of I will be writing about a video called Food Matters. ITS THAT IMPORTANT!

Here are the YouTube Links just incase the code that I used doesn't embed them into this page properly.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Livethesource - The Symbiotic Diet : How is your posture?

When it comes to livethesource and The Symbiotic Diet you may be asking your self, what does posture have to do with livethesource or the symbiotic diet? Posture has every thing to do with both products and the company, here is why.

I was with a potential distributor the other day who had tried and failed at several network marketing business over the years. As she was considering getting involved with livethesource as a distributor I asked her this question. What do you think caused you to fail with those other companies? Her reply was, that even though the companies had good products she didn't feel that there was a big enough difference between there product and a product they could get at a retail store for a lot less money.

NOTE: Those we not her exact words but when you listen carefully you can hear these types of things loud and clear.

She had no passion or belief about the products and services that she was trying to sell. As we continued on in our conversation (this should be 90% listening on your part) she started talking about a product she owned called, Vita-mix. She loves her Vita-mix and it showed. She doesn't sell Vita-mix but if she did she could probably sell a ton of them. She has so much passion and loves the product so much that she has great posture when telling some one about this product.

That is the posture that each of us need to develop when we talk to others about The Symbiotic Diet or The vitamin D3 booster or the livethesource daily multi-vitamin. People will follow you if you have great belief in the products that you promote.

If you don't have that kind of belief then you either need to develop the belief and posture or go to another company that has products you do believe in. Other wise you are just wasting your time and your sponsors time.

You can help develop your belief and posture by listening to others tell their story. Here are some good examples that I found.

The first one is a guy giving a review of The Symbiotic Diet on his web site here is the link

Here are a couple of random videos about Livethesource. Just go out to YouTube there are a lot of them out there that can help you with your belief.

Lots More Energy:

Breast Cancer Skeptic:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Livethesource Launches Symbiotic Diet

Livethesource Launches Symbiotic Diet. This is the news breaking headline that everyone has been waiting for. Well yesterday it happened and the symbiotic diet was launched and made available to distributors only. When I contacted the company they told me that sales were going very well and they feel they made the right decision just opening the sale of the symbiotic diet to distributors first. If any of you out there have tried the new symbiotic diet from livethesource please leave your comments below and share your experience with all of us.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Livethesource - The Symbiotic Diet : Network Marketing Tips

Today we are going to spend a little time answering some questions about livethesource, The Symbiotic Diet and network marketing.

The secret to why some people get more prospects than they can handle is something YOU also possess inside of you. The only difference between you and the "naturals" is that you haven't developed that skill yet.

The question for today is, "How do you recruit someone who immediately says 'No.'? Well, my answer is don't recruit them. Alright? No is no. Make sure that you are using the proper approach and the conversations are about their needs and wants and not yours. The approach of "this is my company and this is why livethesource so great" is NOT the approach that I recommend.

Really, if you think about it, they have heard that pitch from so many people already and they can see right through it. When you approach someone like this it basically says to them. PLEASE! get involved with my company because if you do good then I will make lots of money off your efforts.

Put yourself in their shoes .... isn't that how you would feel? 

Facts Tell but stories Sell and this hold true with livethesource and the symbiotic diet also. What gets people to join you when you have an in home meeting?
It's not that the livethesource headquarters is located in a big shinny office building down in sunny Florida. The reason that people get involved is because they hear people giving their testimonies about livethesource and the symbiotic diet and if these people are feeling better and have more energy etc; They think to themselves "maybe it would work for me too". 

Everyone is always asking themselves WIIFM "Whats In It For Me"  Thats why you should be going out to YouTube and just type in the word livethesource and you will find all sorts of testimonials about how livethesource has improved these peoples lives.

Here are a couple of livethesource sample videos from customers but there are a bunch more out there on You -Tube... USE THEM!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Livethesource grew too fast

I left off on my last post with a heading of Livethesource grew too fast.  So that's where I will pick up from. if you're interested in the whole story go to the post below this one called Livethesource: the secret is out and that will bring you up to speed pretty quickly.

Livethesource grew too fast

Because of the tremendous word-of-mouth advertising about this phenomenal product. Livethesource grew so quickly that the manufacturing couldn't keep up with the demand.  At one time, they were several months behind in their orders.

Fortunately, as of the time of this writing, all back ordered product has been delivered. Adjustments were made to the manufacturing process to keep up with this growing phenomenon not to mention that there was a huge influx of cash to grow with from investors, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

investors willing to invest that kind of money into livethesource boosted my confidance in the company, because investors don't invest millions of dollars in an economy like this unless they have a pretty sure thing

Livethesource introduces a new product

Then on top of all that a few months ago Livethesource introduced a new product called Livethesource D3 booster. This is all natural vitamin D with organic green compounds. This product also has the nanotechnology at its core, so people are seeing phenomenal results from the vitamin D3 booster as well.

Livethesource introduces product number three

Livethesource has let a select group of people in on the top-secret work that they've been doing for the past several months and here it is ..... Introducing the symbiotic diet. This diet has over 20 clinical studies.  The symbiotic diet has shown sustained fat loss in clinical studies. It's the last diet you'll ever need and we can prove it.

More on the symbiotic diet in my post tomorrow or Monday. until then, check out this video link about Livethesource

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Livethesource: The Secret Is Out

There has been a secret brewing in the back offices of livethesource for a few months now. 
livethesource for those of you who don't know is a nutritional networkmarketing company that came on the scene about a year ago with a single liquid multivitamin and mineral product called dailysource priced at about $50.00. I know what your thinking ... another high priced networkmarketing multivitamin who is going to buy that, I thought the same thing. 

Livethesource: Whats the Difference?

I was actually told that there was very little difference between these vitamins and minerals and other high quality liquid vitamins and minerals. The difference was the delivery system of those vitamins and minerals at the cellular level. The vitamins and minerals from Livethesource are nano encapsulated. This nanotechnology gives you an 80 to 90%  absorption rate of the vitamins and minerals at the cellular level.  A typical multivitamin is only absorbed 10 to 20%. This explained why everyone was seeing such phenomenal results with Livethesource.  You're actually getting almost 5 times as much of the vitamins and minerals into the cell almost instantly. To learn more about Nanotechnology click this link: Nano technology

A Livethesource Convert

I was given a bottle to try for free all I had to do is promise to take it daily as per the instructions on the bottle. I started on the product and started to feel more energy, the pain it my shoulder vanished and I seemed to be sleeping better. I said to myself this is not real, this is just happening because of a placebo effect. Unknown to me my wife had secretly been sneaking into the fridge and taking livethesource also. Then she told me how she was having more energy and sleeping better. Further investigation showed that people all over the country were experiencing the same things and more. Two friends of mine had their doctor actually take them off of their high blood pressure medicine.

Livethesource is a Huge Success

Needless to say, with this kind of results the word about Livethesource spread like wildfire and the company grew like crazy. Livethesource as a company went from zero dollars in revenue to a multimillion dollar company in only four months. if you stop to think about it, that's insane that people in this economy, the worst economy since the Great Depression were actually spending over $50 a bottle for these multiple vitamins. I personally know people that were buying three bottles or more a month for them and their families, and these people were unemployed. But the product was that good that they made Livethesource a priority.

Livethesource grew too fast

I don't have the time to finish this article today but will pick it up tomorrow when I will share the new secret that livethesource has been working on for the past several months.
Here is a cool URL where this guy shares his experiance with livethesource. Click this link livethesource